Dongpalane Thong Village, Sisattanak, Vientiane Capital, Laos+856 (21) 410 214, (20) 5555 7623

Hospital wastewater treatment

Hospital wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment plants often have problems with low levels of microorganisms (bacteria).
If released into water sources, microbial and bacterial contamination may occur due to the presence of chemicals, disinfectants, and special care must be taken.
The most common hospital wastewater treatment systems are:

– Air box system.
– AS system.

The AS system has been very popular before, because of its high efficiency and use of cane installation space, but the controller must have the right knowledge and understanding to control this system. Chemicals must also be tested for standards before release into natural water sources.
Phanthamit Analytical (PAL) provides water quality analysis services, with state-of-the-art, standardized and accurate analysis systems that can also be certified by an organization that provides water quality control.

For more information,
please contact us at:
Office phone number 021 410 214
Mobile and WhatsApp: 020 555 576 23

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