Most of the ferrous metals are in the group of Transition Metals, which are harmful to living things. Soil improvement such as chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, lime or non-metallic soil additives are highly contaminated and within the standard criteria.
• Arsenic should not exceed 2,7 Cadmium compound should not exceed 810 • Chromium 6 Chromium Hexavalent not to exceed 640 Lead should not exceed 750 • Manganese compound should not exceed 32,000 • Mercury compound should not exceed 610 • Nickel should not exceed 41,000 • Selenium should not exceed 10,000
For more information, please contact us at: Office phone number: 021 410 214 Mobile and WhatsApp: 020 555 576 23
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No. 122, Unit 5, Dongpalane Thong Village Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR